Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Moon

I purchased a Cannon SX410 IS camera for my wife for Christmas. I wanted something with a good quality zoom to take nature pictures when we are out hiking. This camera has a 40x zoom lens. To test it out I zoomed in on the moon last night and snapped a picture. I'm very pleased with the results!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Little Lost Hummingbird

My son Devin found a hummingbird dazed and covered in cobwebs in our garage. We brought him in, cleaned him up then, took him back out to get some pollen and sugar water. That seemed to do the trick. He flew off happy and refreshed. I'm so glad my son found him and, he is ok. They are my favorite bird. It was so cool to hold the flowers up to him and let him eat the pollen. He seemed to think it was pretty cool too..